Tuesday, February 5, 2008

ReWrite of online artical

I chose an article from Dominican Today which is an online english dominican newspaper. the article i chose concerned the racial and marginalization of dominicans by dominicans, and how their political system and culture support this oppression. I wanted to keep a lot of the text because the article was an opinion piece and was written with the intent of evoking emotion and the writer clearly chose the words he felt were appropriate. I chose to make the article easer to read and comprehend on the internet. when i read things on the internet i appreciate it when paragraphs are broken up into 4 or 5 lined clumps, it is easer to keep my place in the text and gives me enough negative space to breath. I also appreciate highlighted phrases or words that connote importance yet the color is not so distracting that I find it hard to read the section. On the same note, I kept my link colors close to the text color so that they would be recognizable as links but not distracting. I also changed the typeface of the article to a more legible serif face instead of the large, clumpy sans serif. I am not, however, insulting Dominican Today's style or legibility of their sight, I find it very easy to read and interesting and it has a 'clean' 'openness' to it that allows me to concentrate on what i am reading rather than adds or other flashy things on the page.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You have a great start on this site. I would like to see you use your journal site more to keep me up to date on your progress.