Tuesday, January 22, 2008


today is the first day of class. 
the Xplane site is interesting, they have worked with a lot more people than i would have thought. its a pioneering idea that is kinda 'duh'. of course companies need visuals for their ideas and concepts and products and so forth, i wonder how many other companies have followed suit since then. 
As far as the blog making, pretty strait forward. I was surprised with the limitations of 'look' I could choose from, I would think that would be a big part of the blogging scene, since it appears to me that people blog to represent themselves as individuals with opinions in a great wide world of people and opinions. I did like how easy it was to create and there wasn't major limitations on what your name had to be or pass word. it bothers me when sites want so many characters and then later tell you that some of those characters need to be numbers, then later tell you-you cant have caps or something like that. it gets complicated and hard to remember a password when you haven't really chosen it. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks Hallie. What do you think about "blog-like" sites like facebook that offer all kinds of options. Too much, or right on the mark?